About 200 graduates of the Preparatory Faculty of the Ural State Economic University received certificates of mastery of the Russian language.   “Dear students, we were pleased to become part of your team,” Kristina Tashkinova, head of the Preparatory Faculty for Foreign Citizens of USUE, addressed the graduates. - Learning Russian is very difficult. Even we, native speakers of Russian, continue to study it throughout our lives. You are great for overcoming the language barrier and studying with us. We will be glad to see you again at USUE as undergraduate and graduate students!” This year, for 10 months, citizens from 60 countries of the world studied at the Preparatory Faculty of USUE: Algeria, Sudan, Morocco, China, Mali, Nigeria, Angola, Cameroon, Egypt, Vietnam, Haiti, Iraq, Turkey, Pakistan and other countries. They studied the Russian language, got acquainted with the traditions, culture and peculiarities of life in Russia, and took an active part in city and university events. More than 40 graduates of the Subfaculty, who showed the highest scores in the exam, received certificates of education in a ceremonial ceremony. “I want to express my gratitude and appreciation to the teachers who contributed to my learning. Your support is invaluable; your experience and professionalism helped us understand and speak the complex Russian language. It wasn't easy. Sometimes, because of the cold weather, we didn’t want to go to university, but our mentor always encouraged us. Thanks everyone!” - a graduate of the Sub-Faculty, a native of Guinea, Georges Maomu, gave a speech.     At the end of the ceremony, the graduates showed a short concert. For example, George read Eduard Asadov’s poem “Be Happy, Dreamers.” Natives of Haiti performed kizombo salsa and played the violin.     A certificate of completion of training in an additional training program for foreign students allows you to enroll in any university in Russia.     The preparatory faculty for foreign citizens has been operating at USUE for 10 years. During this time, thousands of boys and girls from different parts of the world became his listeners.      

Bazhov Days in Ekaterinburg.

Students of the USUE Preparatory Faculty took part in the Bazhov Days in Yekaterinburg. Students read the work "Stone Flower" from Bazhov's Tales in English and Chinese.

We're not so different

Today, foreign students met at the preparatory faculty. This time the guys shared with each other the traditions of celebrating the New Year and Christmas.Tangerines and sweets were already waiting on the students' table.The guys immediately started the main thing - decorating the Christmas tree. Students of the preparatory faculty learned that in our country it is customary to decorate the Christmas tree with the whole family, and that, according to an unwritten tradition, some part of the tree will definitely remain less decorated. Having decorated the tree with a garland, those gathered shouted: “Christmas tree, burn!” The foreigners recited poems in Russian that they had learned during their studies at the Preparatory Faculty, for which they received small gifts from the fairy-tale hero.Then students from Cameroon, Egypt, India and Senegal spoke about New Year's traditions in their countries. Almost all of these states were greatly influenced by Western Europe. Thus, in African countries, Catholic Christmas and Santa Claus are better known. However, for example, in Egypt, the majority of the population professes Islam. That's why they don't celebrate Christmas there. But in big cities, where there are always a lot of tourists from Europe, New Year celebrations are organized as a compromise between secular and religious holidays.Almost all countries where foreign students of the preparatory faculty come from are very warm. And if snow falls there, it is in small quantities. Therefore, most of the usual winter attributes of the New Year are absent there. Including the main decoration of any apartment on a holiday - spruce or pine. Some cultures have their own chronology system. For example, in India, according to the unified national calendar, the year is now 1944. However, they rarely use it, preferring global date designations.Today, foreigners learned about another Russian tradition of celebrating the New Year - watching the address of the President of the Russian Federation and drinking champagne while the chimes struck. To complete the experience, the organizers included one of these recordings, but instead of sparkling wine they offered tea.The meeting ended with a master class on making New Year cards. The students wished each other a good rest during the winter holidays and agreed to meet again - already in 2024.

Travel to the Visim Biosphere Reserve

Last Sunday, a friendly team, which included the head of the Russian conversation club from the Belinsky Library Olga Anatolyevna Nachapkina, our foreign students from USUE and UrFU, the organizers of the Great Ural Trail project, went to the Visimsky Biosphere Reserve, located in the Merry Mountains. It really was fun there: they walked to the top, listening to the guide, wrote a geographical dictation, warmed up with hot tea, hugged the Zero Kilometer sign, stepped from Europe to Asia and admired the incredible view of the vast taiga from the observation deck of the mountain. In addition, during the trip, students spoke in interviews about their emotions and impressions of the trip, and expressed great gratitude for the opportunity the organizers gave us.Foreign students saw the beauty of the Urals outside Yekaterinburg in unusual conditions. This is all thanks to the wonderful organizer Vyacheslav Pestrikov and his team, as well as Olga Anatolyevna Nachapkina.Everyone is immensely inspired by the ideas and plans shared by the Great Ural Trail team. Traveling, enjoying the unique nature of our region, communicating, telling Russians and foreign guests about unforgettable hikes along the Great Ural Trail - all this fills you with enthusiasm and makes your eyes sparkle!


Since June 20, the admissions committee of the Ural State University of Economics has been accepting applications from applicants. This year there are several important innovations that need to be taken into account when applying to the university. Why do applicants choose USUE? They will talk about it themselves. Said Suliman from Libya has been living in Russia for five years. And all this time he is a student of USUE. After graduating from the preparatory faculty for foreign citizens, he entered the bachelor's program at the Institute of State, Municipal Administration and Law, and is now undergoing entrance examinations for the master's program in the direction of "Personnel Management". In addition, Said works at the Department of International Cooperation of the Ural State University of Economics, assisting other foreign students in settling into a hostel and adapting to new conditions in the first weeks of their stay in the Urals. “After school, I applied to different universities in different countries. And in the end I chose USUE,” says Said. “Here, in Russia, I have many friends, I do what I like, and if I want, after graduating from my master’s degree, I will return to Libya with a profession in demand.” Said had five brothers and sisters in Libya. The eldest is already working as a doctor, the youngest has recently entered one of the local universities, but the eldest of the sisters, who will soon finish school, according to Said, could well try to enter USUE. We wish Said and his whole family success and good luck in the implementation of life plans! Kojo Pier, a native of the West African country of Togo, is entering the undergraduate program at USUE in the direction of training “Finance and Credit”. As a child, Kojo dreamed of becoming an engineer. And having matured, he realized that the banking sector was more interesting to him. And he really likes Russia, even the climate: so many new experiences! “Here, in Russia, it is as if my life has begun anew,” says the applicant. - I am 25 years old, I am still young enough to master a new specialty. Thanks to my friends who suggested to me that there is such a university as USUE.”  

Graduates of the preparatory faculty of USUE apply for admission to the undergraduate program of USUE

Graduates of the preparatory faculty of USUE apply for admission to the undergraduate program of USUE The admission campaign has begun at the Ural State University of Economics. Already in the first hours of the admission committee, several dozen applicants submitted documents for admission, including graduates of the USUE Preparatory Faculty. For many foreign citizens who came to Russia, the Preparatory Faculty of USUE is the first step towards obtaining a quality education. In 2022, 87 graduates of the Subfaculty after graduation applied for admission to the bachelor's and master's programs at USUE. This year, almost 100 people expressed their desire to get an education at the Ural State University of Economics. One of the applicants - Andre Marcolino Felis (Andre Marcolino Felis) - grandiose plans. He came to the Urals from Angola, graduated from the Preparatory Faculty, mastered the Russian language and is now ready to study commercial business as a bachelor. According to Andre, he does not have enough specialists in this profile on Dean. Therefore, having received a USUE diploma and returning home, he will become a welcome employee in any local commercial company. “This is only the first stage,” Andre shares his plans for the future. “In general, I want to become the president of my country. This is what education is for, to set such global goals.” When submitting documents for admission, the following documents are required: a notarized translation of the passport; the original diploma of education, the original diploma supplement and their certified translations.  

Students of the Preparatory Faculty watched a film about the history of Russian culture

For 40 students of the Preparatory Faculty of USUE, a film screening dedicated to the Day of Russia was held in the House of Culture of the University. An hour-long documentary with animation elements told about the main milestones in the history and culture of the state: from ancient Rus' to the present day. The narrative in the film smoothly moves from the Baptism of Rus' to the rise of the Moscow principality during the Tatar-Mongol yoke, then to the Golden Age, to the formation of the USSR, and after - the Russian Federation. The authors of the film showed by examples how Russian culture influenced the world: the artistic skills of Aivazovsky and Bryullov, the works of Pushkin and Dostoevsky, the Russian ballet school, the acting system of Stanislavsky, the music of Glinka and Tchaikovsky, masterpieces of Russian cinema and animation have become the world standard. The development of scientific thought and the education system was also shown. “I really liked the film. Firstly, the film comprehensively shows us the culture, history and - in part - the politics and economy of Russia in the form of a timeline. Secondly, the film has explanations for each action and animation, and the arrangement of the scenes is very carefully thought out. Thirdly, what interests me most is the period when Catherine the Great was in power. Catherine was the first female empress. She carried out two-stage reforms of "enlightened despotism" and "aristocratic despotism", covering political, economic, cultural, military and other spheres, bringing Russia to a new stage in history. During the reign of Catherine, thanks to her good governance and outstanding achievements, Russia at that time became the real number one power in Europe. Her talents and fame were also known at home and abroad. In the minds of Russians, she became a hero along with Peter I, and I am glad to study in Yekaterinburg, so this part of the story is very interesting to me!” - Deng Qiyu, a student of the USUE Preparatory Faculty from China, shared his impressions. Citizens of dozens of countries around the world came to USUE to learn Russian and get higher education. Many plan to stay in Russia after completing their studies, because they like to live here, communicate with the bearers of one of the most famous cultures in the world. The film presented today fell on fertilized soil: thematic meetings are regularly held at the university for foreign youth with immersion in the culture and history of our country. Students of the USUE Preparatory Faculty bake Russian pancakes, read poems by the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin, prepare reports about Russian scientists.


June 6, on the birthday of Alexander Pushkin, the Museum of USUE History hosted the last meeting of the USUE Friendship Club of International and Russian Students in the current academic year. On the 224th birthday of the great poet, students from Egypt, India, Côte d'Ivoire and other countries read his poems in Russian: the famous "I loved you ...", "Prisoner", "Mozart and Salieri" and other. Their Russian peers, who have known Pushkin since early childhood, noted that while studying at the USUE Preparatory Faculty, foreigners improved their pronunciation, so those present enjoyed reciting poems. A USUE College student, Angelica Andel, made a short presentation on the biography of the great Russian poet, from his youth in the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum to the fatal duel. Apart from that, Angelica highlighted the period of the Mikhailovsky exile. Then, the already accomplished poet honed his gift and got acquainted with the wealth of folklore talking with his nanny, Arina Rodionovna Yakovleva. “I heard about Pushkin in China. We like Russian culture,” a student of the USUE Preparatory Faculty, Hu Jie, said, “It’s great that the university gives people from different cultures the opportunity to study other’s wealth of knowledge and share it with each other.” As the director of the Museum of USUE History, Yulia Taushkanova, noted, today many countries unfriendly to Russia were trying to "cancel" Russian culture - to oust it from the world artistic heritage, and such "discoveries" of Russian writers, musicians and artists are very important for foreigners. Today, students also remembered Pushkin as a well-known  mischievous person who loved to joke, so taking a few books, they arranged comic fortune-telling based on lines from poetry, asking questions: “Will I get a credit in computer science?”, “How will I spend my summer?”, “Will we study to the end?". “To understand the country in which you live, you need to know its history, to know its society. The museum is the best fit for this,” a Cameroonian Ndonzu Mbonge Valerie Leonel shared his impressions of the meeting. “ At home, they told me that it could be difficult with the Russians. But this year I have met a lot of kind, sympathetic people here, and I am very happy about it.” In summer, international students, like their Russian peers, are preparing for exams. During the year of study at the Preparatory Faculty, they learned a lot about the country they had come to. Some of these discoveries they made at the Museum of USUE History. In the new academic year, the Friendship Club will continue its work.

The doors of USUE are open to graduates of the Preparatory Faculty

   The admission campaign for graduates of the Preparatory Faculty of the Ural State University of Economics has begun. The university is ready to open its doors to those who have successfully passed their final exams and would not like to part with student life at USUE.        For many foreign citizens who came to Russia, the Preparatory Faculty of USUE is the first step towards obtaining a quality education at the same university at all levels in a wide range of training areas. Also, the university has all the necessary base and professional environment for a successful start in science. In addition, future bachelors, masters and graduate students will have a bright student life: interesting events, for example, the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum, creativity and sports.        Students are supported in everything by the USUE Association of Foreign Students. The chairman of the Association, Ibraima Mara from the Republic of Guinea, went from the Preparatory Faculty to the Master's program at USUE.      “I received a bachelor's degree in global economics from USUE and currently complet my master's degree. I would like to continue my postgraduate studies in the specialty "Management" at the Ural State University of Economics. I am doing this in order to contribute to the development process of Guinea. I want to connect my future career with management, which will be based on scientific research, self-development, competitiveness and exchange of experience with scientists in Guinean universities,” said Ibrahima Mara.       The story of the chairman of AFS USUE is a vivid example of the fact that life at USUE is full of opportunities for foreign citizens.      Applications for admission to USUE from graduates of the Preparatory Faculty until June 20, 2023 are accepted on weekdays from 8:30 to 17:00, room No. 159. Required documents: notarized translation of the passport; the original diploma of education, the original diploma supplement and their certified translations.  

Good luck, dear students!

  On May 26 foreign students of the Preparatory Faculty of USUE passed the russian language exam. This is just one of the steps they need to go through in order to build their future. After passing the exam, they will receive a certificate that will allow them to enter any university of Russia, including USUE. We are confident that our students have successfully passed the exam and now the doors to a bright future are open for them! We wish you success!

Happy Anniversary, Yekaterinburg!

In 2023, the city of Yekaterinburg, the center of the Sverdlovsk Region and the Urals Federal District, one of the largest cities in Russia, celebrates 300 years since its foundation. This memorable date is celebrated by all residents, both natives of Yekaterinburg and those who came from other cities, regions and even countries. On May 19, in Yekaterinburg, on the embankment of the Iset River, the event “A gift for the 300th anniversary of the city from the Notary Chamber of the Sverdlovsk Region and city residents” was held by the Administration of the Leninsky District. Foreign students of USUE also did not miss the opportunity to visit this event and celebrate. They received unforgettable impressions from the program of the event.

An excursion for students of the Preparatory Faculty of USUE was held at the Museum of Military Equipment of the UMMC

  Foreign students of USUE took part in an excursion in the city of Verkhnyaya Pyshma to the museum complex of military and civilian equipment of the UMMC (Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company). The museum complex of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company is one of the world's largest museums of military and automotive equipment and history. The collection of the UMMC Museum Complex includes about 12 thousand exhibits, including about 500 samples of military equipment and about 500 Soviet and foreign cars, motorcycles, bicycles and other vehicles. One of the interesting facts for the guys was that some military tanks and vehicles remained in a single copy and are in this museum. The audience was able to see not only Russian and German military equipment, but also the costumes of our soldiers, orders and badges of honor that were awarded to those who fought, as well as weapons and many other items of self-defense. The trip turned out to be interesting, the museum complex was very impressive. It was exciting for the listeners to walk around the museum, where equipment, uniforms, badges of honor, etc. from different years are collected.


  Over 30 USUE students from Turkey, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Cameroon, Senegal, Guinea, and Mali watched with bated breath how the liquid of eggs, flour, milk and sugar turns into ruddy thin griddle cakes. Foreigners were taught to make pancakes by Irina Kapralova, Vice President of the Culinary Association of the Sverdlovsk region, the chef of one of the Yekaterinburg restaurants. She said:"I am glad that USUE international students have an interest in making traditional Russian pancakes: they learned how to cook them with care and with delight. For us, this is a familiar pastry, but for visitors from other continents, this is an unusual dish in the form of a thin dough sheet. I think I've managed to disclose a recipe for a new dish. Last November, I already met with international students of USUE. At that time, I told them how to bake pies." Besides the key ingredients, they added spinach to the batter to give the pancakes an unusual color and add health benefits."Now spinach is considered to be the most important vegetable for maintaining health. It contains vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibers. They normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Spinach allows pancakes, which are considered rather heavy food, to be digested better and faster," said Olga Chugunova, head of the USUE Department of Nutrition Technology.USUE international students especially enjoyed to stuff pancakes with filling of cabbage with egg and cottage cheese. After tasting, they emphasized the dish turned out to be very satisfying: a couple of pancakes can easily replace a full meal."I came to study at USUE from Egypt. We make similar griddle cakes with meat. But Russian pancakes are different! I tried them today for the first time. It was a discovery for me they add not only minced meat but also cabbage and cottage cheese. You can turn them into a dessert by serving with condensed milk. It's tasty! And most importantly, it is satisfying!" said a student of the USUE Preparatory Faculty Ahmed Salem.


ABInternational and Russian students met at the USUE Museum on St. Valentine's Day. They read poems about love and shared with each other the national traditions of celebrating St. Valentine's Day. On February 14, many countries around the world celebrate Valentine's Day, which is also the holiday of all lovers. According to European tradition, on this day, boys and girls exchange valentines to say about their feelings. USUE International and Russian students decided to share their favorite poems. Students who came to USUE from different regions of Russia, as well as from India, Cameroon, and Tajikistan, gathered at the USUE museum.The participants noted that Valentine's Day is celebrated almost all over the planet. However, each country has already developed its own traditions. Pokam Nde Pierre Canis told that in Cameroon, where he comes from, on this day, girls and boys give flowers to each other, go to restaurants and cinema. He read the poem "Love Stories" in French, noting that this poem could be a delightful gift for a girl.USUE college student Gulziya Bakhtieva said that this holiday had emerged in Tajikistan quite recently and had not yet become as popular as in Russia. On Valentine's Day in Tajikistan, many shops sell valentines, but they are not in great demand, which upsets local sellers.Makhto Shaligram Hrithikcame to Yekaterinburg from India. He read the poem "About Love" in his native and Russian languages and also spoke about the traditions that have remained unchanged in India for many centuries."If in Russia they first fall in love and then get married, in India it's the other way around. Indians do not see their brides before the wedding. However, after they started a family, a man and a woman make a whole. It's customary for us: a woman is Goddess, and a man is God," a student of the USUE preparatory faculty Makhto Shaligram Hrithik says.Ndonza Mbonge Valerie Leonelread a self-penned poem. Last year, he came to study at USUE from Cameroon and, while in Russia, wrote the poem "What is love?". Leonel noted he loves poetry and respects Russian poets and writers. The works of A. S. Pushkin are of special interest to him. As a gift to all the girls present at the meeting, Leonel read the poet's poem "I loved you..." in Russian. The moving performance of the young man touched the listeners' feelings and the audience burst into applause.  


Today, Russian and foreign students met again at the USUE Museum. This time they shared with each other the traditions of celebrating New Year and Christmas.Directly at the entrance to the hall of the museum, we met students with a TV screen with movie stills from the Eldar Ryazanov's Irony of Fate. "It is the most popular New Year Russian film," Russians explained to foreigners. Tangerines and sweets on the table were already waiting for students.The first meeting of students took place in November. Therefore, it took little time to present themselves and they immediately proceeded to the main thing - decorating the Christmas tree. The Russians said that in our country traditionally all the family decorate a Christmas tree and that, according to an unwritten tradition, some part of the tree will look less-dressed. Having decorated the fir-tree with a garland, the audience shouted: "Christmas tree, light up!", which was a signal for Father Frost and Snow Maiden to appear in the museum. Foreigners recited poems in Russian, which they had learned during their studies at the Preparatory Faculty. They received small gifts from the fairy-tale hero. Then, students from Cameroon, Egypt, India, and Senegal talked about what New Year traditions exist in their countries. Most every of these countries has been influenced by Western Europe. So, in African countries, Catholic Christmas and Santa Claus are more famous. However, for example, in Egypt, most of the population professes the Islamic faith. Therefore, Christmas is not celebrated there. However, in big cities, where there are always a lot of tourists from Europe, they organize New Year celebrations as a compromise between secular and religious holidays. It is very warm in almost all countries where USUE international students came from. And the snow there, if it falls, is light. Therefore, there are no winter attributes of the New Year familiar to us, including the main decoration of any apartment in Russia—fir tree or pine. Some cultures have their own calendar system. For example, in India, according to the unified national calendar, the current year is 1943. However, they seldom use it, preferring global date designations.Director of the USUE Museum, Yulia Taushkanova, noted that the goal of the organizers was to bring together representatives of different cultures so that they could make sure there is more in common between peoples than it might seem at first glance.

Badminton in November? Yes!

                   What should the student do, if the weather is freezing? Right! Badminton! Guys didn’t afraid the frost and started for activities searching. They found their own sport in the «Verh Isetskiy» sports complex, the address Kirova street 71. The students of the Preparatory Faculty rented the entire hall and jumped with rackets and shuttlecocks for an hour. The player runs about one and a half kilometers and makes 400 strikes on the shuttlecock in one game, and it consists of two or three periods! So our foreign students may compete for Olympic Gold, even if not in badminton, but by friendly submission and a fun jump :)

Gold autumn

      Why is autumn called "golden"? To understand this, foreign students of the preparatory faculty went to the Botanical Garden. At the entrance, the children were met by charming squirrels, whom they treated to a treat. Fallen leaves crunched underfoot. The autumn air was filled with the scent of late flowers and pine needles.     The attention of visitors was attracted by the birds that lined up in shoals, going on a long journey, for the winter. Time has flown by! Winter will come soon, students will have traditional tea parties and remember this pleasant walk.

Excursion to the museum of military and civil equipment

        By tradition, new students of the preparatory faculty visited the museum complex in the city of Verkhnyaya Pyshma. In the pavilions, the children got acquainted with the collection of exhibits of Soviet civilian vehicles, as well as samples of special equipment with great interest.        And in the open area, foreign students were delighted with the exhibits of military equipment. They were very surprised that many of the samples of equipment were used in the region in which they are now studying. Akhmed, a student of the faculty, was glad to see historical samples of Soviet military equipment of various modifications in one place, since he himself served in the Egyptian army and is familiar with modern Russian models of equipment.

Studying at the Preparatory Faculty for Foreign Citizens will become even more comfortable

      In October, new audiences were introduced into the educational process. Today we are opening for foreign citizens five modernly equipped classrooms for learning the Russian language, which will make the learning process more comfortable for students and teachers.        According to Oksana Bazhenova, the university administration made every effort to ensure that guests from other countries feel comfortable within the walls of USUE and demonstrate academic success.       “I am very pleased to come to the university for classes, I liked not only the teachers, but also the classrooms. The premises are new, comfortable and clean!” - said a student from Egypt, Youssef Ali Mohamed Ghaffar.

Meeting with Rector Y.P. Silin

       On September 13, the annual meeting of foreign students with the rector of USUE Ya.P.Silin was held. The rector greeted the arriving foreign students, wished them success in their studies, health, find new friends and take an active part in the life of the Ural State University of Economics.

Happy new 2022/2023 academic year!

     Happy new 2022/2023 academic year! The Preparatory Faculty for its foreign citizens USUE opens its doors for foreign students for the ninth time. During this time, 1585 students from more than 60 countries of the world have been trained at the faculty. We welcome new students and congratulate you on the start of the school year! Let study give you many interesting discoveries and knowledge! And every day will be successful and fruitful! Be healthy, live with hope for the future and let life open all doors for you! Welcome to USUE!


         Today, a signing of a cooperation agreement between Ural State University of Economics and Media Arab for Media Production and Marketing (Arab Republic of Egypt) took place. Cooperation between USUE and Egypt will enable residents of North Africa and the Sinai Peninsula of Asia to learn Russian without leaving their homeland. The agreement was signed by USUE rector Yakov Silin and director of Media Arab for Media Production and Marketing Mr. Baheg Ahmed Atef Abdelazim. USUE Rector Yakov Silin emphasized that today students from 65 countries of the world, including Egypt, were studying at Ural State University of Economics. Now future students will have the opportunity to learn Russian even before they come to Russia: “This is very important for young people, for the Egyptians. After this preparatory faculty, they can choose our university or some other one and come to study. This is our contribution to the development of relations between the two countries. We will teach not only the Russian language and this will facilitate entry into our socio-cultural environment.” Students of the preparatory faculty will not only study Russian, they will be introduced to the history of Russia and the traditions of our country.

Build a career - go to USUE!

     The Admissions Committee of the Ural State Economic University accepts documents. Undergraduate, specialist, master's, postgraduate and USUE colleges are ready to accept foreign applicants both in regular and online formats. Employees of the Preparatory Department for Foreign Citizens and the Department of International Cooperation prepare and submit the necessary documents to the admissions committee for applicants. Our contacts: +7 992 334-89-81, \n This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

Fascinating excursion to the NPO Automation Museum

       Scientific and Production Association of automatics was visited by students of USUE Preparatory Faculty last week. During a fascinating excursion, the students got acquainted with the exhibits of the museum, studied a model of a cosmodrome, watched a film about the rocket launch, and they learnt about the history of the enterprise. The students took an active interest in the development of the enterprise in the field of rocket science and they used Russian language skills in spoken practice. We thank the university administration for organizing it, and the museum staff for the educational tour.  

Congratulations to the graduates of the Preparatory Faculty for Foreign Citizens

       The solemn presentation of certificates to foreign graduates of the preparatory faculty of USUE took place at the Ural State University of Economics. From the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate you, dear graduates, on completing your studies at the Preparatory Faculty for Foreign Citizens and receiving certificates! We wish you not to rest on your laurels, to easily achieve your goals, to confidently move forward. Successful passing of entrance examinations to the universities of your choice, excellent grades and obtaining diplomas of higher education in Russia!

Exploration of Yekaterinburg continues

The other day a group of foreign students from the research faculty visited the museum of the history of Uralmashzavod, with the aim of exploring Yekaterinburg. Foreign engineering students were looking forward to this event. Excursion of natural gas with the beginning of one of the largest plants in Russia, the history of the development of plants in wartime, the present and prospects for the future. Interesting exhibits were revealed, diseases of production facilities and equipment, as well as exhibits showing the life of workers of past years. During the excursions, students examined the exhibits with interest, listened to the guide and asked questions.  

Acquaintance with the most mysterious monuments of architecture, covered with legends and traditions.

     Students of the preparatory faculty from the Republic of Turkey, together with teachers, visited the Nevyansk tower, which is located in the center of the city. The leaning tower is a symbol of Nevyansk - it is depicted on the coat of arms of the city. The children listened with pleasure to the story of the Demidov family and visited the acoustic room. The guys took photos on the seventh and eighth floors and admired the view of the city. After an exciting excursion, the students walked around the square and had lunch in a small restaurant. Our listeners tasted traditional Russian cuisine and shared their impressions of the tour. Alper: “I want to thank our teachers and the university administration for organizing this excursion. I wish the museum prosperity and long years of existence in order to continue to delight tourists with its unusual beauty and history.” Kubilay: “The Russian people and their culture never cease to amaze me with their mystery and at the same time aesthetic beauty. I am very glad that I visited the Nevyansk Tower.”  

Culinary art unites

      Department of Food Technology USUE in cooperation with the School of Service and Hospitality of the Ural State University of Economics have organized a master class "Promotion of the culture and history of the Slavic people through gastronomic traditions" for foreign students of the university. Students of the preparatory faculty learned the secrets of cooking Slavic dishes. Foreign students with great pleasure took part in the preparation of "beef Stroganoff" and Belarusian Dranniki (potato pancakes). The participants of the event enjoyed tasting the jointly prepared dishes and were delighted with the result. Culinary art unites, everyone contributed to the common cause, and it turned out to be a dinner made with the love of the whole world.      

Russia is my history.

On May 10, students of the Preparatory Faculty for Foreign Citizens visited the interactive museum "Russia - My History". The students managed to plunge into the atmosphere of historical events of 1941-1945. Listeners from different countries highly appreciated the expositions of the museum and learned a lot from the pages of the history of the USSR. The students were especially interested in the exposition dedicated to Nikolai Kuznetsov, who deserved the title Scout No. 1. The listeners learned about the exploits of the legendary scout and interacted directly with the exhibits.  

III All-Russian scientific competition in the humanities among foreign students

    On May 12, 2022, the III All-Russian scientific competition in the humanities among foreign students started at the Ural State University of Economics. The purpose of the competitive selection is to identify talented foreign students and graduate students studying in Russian universities, create conditions for the realization of their intellectual potential, stimulate their research activities and improve the quality of professional training. As part of the program, it is planned to conduct master classes, solve cases, team building events, as well as an Olympiad in areas and protection of competitive works.


Faculty photo album

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