Students of the Preparatory Faculty watched a film about the history of Russian culture


For 40 students of the Preparatory Faculty of USUE, a film screening dedicated to the Day of Russia was held in the House of Culture of the University. An hour-long documentary with animation elements told about the main milestones in the history and culture of the state: from ancient Rus' to the present day.

The narrative in the film smoothly moves from the Baptism of Rus' to the rise of the Moscow principality during the Tatar-Mongol yoke, then to the Golden Age, to the formation of the USSR, and after - the Russian Federation.

The authors of the film showed by examples how Russian culture influenced the world: the artistic skills of Aivazovsky and Bryullov, the works of Pushkin and Dostoevsky, the Russian ballet school, the acting system of Stanislavsky, the music of Glinka and Tchaikovsky, masterpieces of Russian cinema and animation have become the world standard. The development of scientific thought and the education system was also shown.

“I really liked the film. Firstly, the film comprehensively shows us the culture, history and - in part - the politics and economy of Russia in the form of a timeline. Secondly, the film has explanations for each action and animation, and the arrangement of the scenes is very carefully thought out. Thirdly, what interests me most is the period when Catherine the Great was in power. Catherine was the first female empress. She carried out two-stage reforms of "enlightened despotism" and "aristocratic despotism", covering political, economic, cultural, military and other spheres, bringing Russia to a new stage in history. During the reign of Catherine, thanks to her good governance and outstanding achievements, Russia at that time became the real number one power in Europe. Her talents and fame were also known at home and abroad. In the minds of Russians, she became a hero along with Peter I, and I am glad to study in Yekaterinburg, so this part of the story is very interesting to me!” - Deng Qiyu, a student of the USUE Preparatory Faculty from China, shared his impressions.

Citizens of dozens of countries around the world came to USUE to learn Russian and get higher education. Many plan to stay in Russia after completing their studies, because they like to live here, communicate with the bearers of one of the most famous cultures in the world. The film presented today fell on fertilized soil: thematic meetings are regularly held at the university for foreign youth with immersion in the culture and history of our country. Students of the USUE Preparatory Faculty bake Russian pancakes, read poems by the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin, prepare reports about Russian scientists.


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